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There is a group of domestic students in the Faculty of Arts and Science who are forced to pay 87% more tuition for a Honours Bachelor in Science degree. International students in this program pay even more. It’s not a “deregulated” program, in fact at some other universities the tuition is the same as other science degrees. Almost doubling tuition for this group is unfair and creates a huge financial burden on the students and their families.


This group is Computer Science, Bioinformatics, and Data Science students who have to pay $11,420 in tuition fees (domestic students), instead of the $6,100 the rest of the students in the Faculty of Arts and Science have as domestic tuition.  

The UTSU has partnered with the Computer Science Students’ Union (CSSU), Arts & Science Students’ Union (ASSU), and Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Students’ Union (BCBSU) to launch the Same Degree, Same Fee campaign. We need students from all programs at U of T to fill out THIS SURVEY to share your experience with tuition. We’re especially hoping to hear from students outside of Computer Science, Bioinformatics, and Data Science! Also, if you’d like to find out more about the campaign and show your support, please click here to READ AND SIGN THE PETITION.

“The University should be working towards making programs like computer science more accessible,” said UTSU VP Public & University Affairs Tyler Riches. “The higher tuition fees charged in these programs creates a systemic barrier to low-income and marginalized students. Students have shared their experiences of the financial and emotional pressure they feel to compete for grades and high-paying internships, and the difficulty of juggling employment with their education just to be able to afford their degree.”

The UTSU believes that students in these formerly-deregulated programs should be treated the same way as all other students in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and charged the same fees for what is—at the end of the day—the same degree.